Bring Your Ideas to Life & Serve the World

You know that feeling when you receive a flash of inspiration for a clear passion project that has real potential to improve your community or our world? It's like feeling "called" to something bigger than yourself. It's powerful...and fleeting if not acted upon. So life goes on and doubt creeps in, along with that voice … Continue reading Bring Your Ideas to Life & Serve the World

Tango of Life: Decision-Making & Serendipity

Yesterday I was reminded of the connection between decision-making and serendipity. When we finally and whole-heartedly make a decision to follow the path of authentic, soulful living, then serendipitous waves of opportunity often follow like a wealth of spring blossoms emerging from dormancy. Life often supports us in unexpected ways when we're really decisive, committed, … Continue reading Tango of Life: Decision-Making & Serendipity